Pere Magloire
Brand: Pere Magloire
The X.O. is the cornerstone of the collection. Connoisseurs appreciate the perfect balance between the fruitiness of the apple and the flavours absorbed during more than nine years of ageing in century-old oak barrels.* Gold Medal in Internation Wine & Spirits Competition 2014* Silver Medal in I..
Brand: Pere Magloire
X.O. 是集合的基石。 鑑賞家們欣賞蘋果的果味與在百年橡木桶中經過九年多的陳釀所吸收的風味之間的完美平衡。* 2014年國際葡萄酒與烈酒大賽金獎* 2013年國際葡萄酒與烈酒大賽銀獎..
Brand: Pere Magloire
顏色:誘人的淺寶石紅。氣味:誘人而複雜的成熟蘋果香。口感:複雜而溫柔的紅色水果香,隱隱透出像草氣息,持久而強烈的回味。用途:與原味的黑巧克力一同品嘗,再抽上一支大雪茄,與朋友共用。是送給一位真正的行家的精美禮品。氣和悠長的餘味。GOLD at 2014 and 2012 San Francisco World Spirits CompetitionSilver at 2014 San Francisco World Spirits CompetitionFinalist at 2014 Ultimate Spirits Challenge New YorkGold at 2014 IWSC Q..
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