在法國白橡木桶中陳釀整整兩年,乾果和香料的複雜香氣補充了烤橡木,奶油糖果,香草和甜制龍舌蘭的味道。SIP Awards Gold Medal 2017World Spirits Awards Gold Medal 2016San Francisco World Spirits Competition..
The X.O. is the cornerstone of the collection. Connoisseurs appreciate the perfect balance between the fruitiness of the apple and the flavours absorb..
在法國白橡木桶中陳釀整整兩年,乾果和香料的複雜香氣補充了烤橡木,奶油糖果,香草和甜制龍舌蘭的味道。SIP Awards Gold Medal 2017World Spirits Awards Gold Medal 2016San Francisco World Spirits Competition..